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There are absolutely never any cash refunds for any purchases made with us.  Any use of the term "credit" in our policies is referring to a "store credit" with us, not any type of refund to a credit card or other form of "cash" refund.

Read all rules and make sure your vehicle is qualified and that you have adequate safety equipment because all fees are strictly non-refundable as per our Purchase & Cancellation Policy outlined below.

If you have any questions about your vehicle or safety equipment meeting requirements, email PRIOR to registering for an event!

If you have a credit or coupon, it MUST be entered at checkout.  Prices can not be adjusted once your order is submitted.



All event registrations and purchases from AutoInterests are strictly non-refundable, non-returnable and may not be re-sold. 

Promotions, Special Offers & Discounts - "Promotions":

AutoInterests reserves the right to limit access to promotions, special offers and discounts, collectively referred to as "promotions" for purposes of this policy.  AutoInterests reserves the sole right to determine what constitues abuse of promotions.  Specific terms of each promotion are posted with the promotion information on our website or e-mailed directly to the recipient of any non-public offers and should be read carefully to ensure compliance.  "Double dipping" is generally not permitted - special offers and discounts cannot be combined, doing so constitutes abuse unless the specific terms of a promotion state otherwise.

Our online ordering system can enforce many, but not necessarily all promotion rules.  As such, it is sometimes possible to place an order that violates the terms of a promotion, this is why it is important for purchasers to carefully read, understand and adhere to promotion terms.  If you have questions please contact us PRIOR to placing an order.  An order being placed that violates a promotion or other policy does not absolve the purchaser from responsibility of paying the appropriate fees due for an event or program offering.  The systematic acceptance of an order does not constitute an approval by AutoInterests of the use of any particular promotion, or combination of promotions.

If you are deemed to have abused a promotion, special offer or discount, the abuse can ONLY be resolved by the purchaser paying the difference of the amount deemed by AutoInterests to constitute abuse, or all funds paid will be forfeited and event entry will be denied.  In the event of promotional value gift certificates or similar promotions, we may simply elect to deduct the promotional value found to be abusive.  Orders cannot be canceled or refunded simply because terms of a promotion, special offer or discount were violated.

Rules & Regulations Compliance:

Our events require a significant amount of rules, regulations and structure to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for our drivers.  Most of these rules are stated on the pages under the "Drivers" and "Programs" menu options of our website (linked above); this provides a very good set of guidelines that demonstrate the "spirit" of how our events are run.  However, due to the dynamic nature of our events, variety of vehicles, diversity of drivers and different venue-specific circumstances it is not possible to compile an exhaustive list of rules for every conceivable scenario.  As such, you agree to accept and adhere to any and all rules, regulations and instructions that are presented in any form by registering for an event.  These may be delivered by our staff verbally at an event, telephone conversations, text messages, e-mailed instructions, stated items on our website or classroom materials presented, or mass-communications such as e-mail blasts and text messages.

Eligibility to Participate

Maintaining a "spirit" of our events that includes good sportsmanship, learning, safety, camaraderie and collaboration is critical to the success of our program.  Therefore, ongoing compliance with our program rules and regulations is required to maintain your eligibility to participate.  Participants may not engage in behavior that misrepresents, mischaracterizes, subverts or otherwise damages the program, series or reputation of AutoInterests or its sponsors.

By registering for events with us, you agree to abide by all rules and regulations set forth as part of our program offerings.  All rules and regulations posted on our website, presented in meetings or instructions provided by our staff (or venue/partner staff) must be followed.  By registering for an event with us, you understand that AutoInterests and its staff reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to deem any participant behavior unsafe, overly-aggressive or otherwise unacceptable and remove the involved participants from events.  No refunds or store credits will be provided to participants removed or banned from events.

In addition to behavior at events, AutoInterests reserves the sole and exclusive right to nullify registrations and ban any participant from participating in its programs and events for any reason.  These can include, but are not limited to, demonstration of lack of fitness to engage in event activities, willful malice toward the organization or participants or any other behavior that is viewed to be detrimental, damaging or poses undue risk to the organization.

Any participants that have been removed or banned from events are automatically ineligible to participate in future events.  If a banned participant registers for another event, entry will be denied and no refund will be provided.  All banning and removal decisions are final and may not be appealed.

Drivers who have been banned, had licenses revoked or otherwise deemed ineligible to participate in any high performance driving schools or racing events by any world-wide sanctioning bodies are also banned from participating in AutoInterests events; the same terms apply as if banned by AutoInterests directly.

First-Timer and Novice run groups are subject to an Instructed Run Group Surcharge, click this link to learn more.



If you purchased an HPDE Protection Plan, the plan coverage supersedes these terms.

If YOU Cancel or are Unable to Attend an Event:

AutoInterests, at its sole discretion, may elect to offer a store credit or transfer for track time that is purchased but unused.  Contact us at if you are unable to attend an event and would like to request a store credit or transfer.  All credits issued by AutoInterests are at the discretion of its management; credits may denied, nullified or voided at any time in accordance with the details of the Eligibility to Participate section above.  Season Passes and Track Packs are subject to their respective individual terms for store credits/transfers.

If we approve a credit for your cancellation:

  • 30+ days before an event: an AutoInterests store credit code of the same value will be issued, which may be redeemed towards a future event*.  Approved credits may only be "rolled over" once, meaning: credits cannot be redeemed on a different event and subsequently canceled.
  • 15-30 days before an event: an AutoInterests store credit code will be issued for your registration fee, less a $50/day cancellation fee.  For Boosted & Fast Pass Membership holders, this fee is reduced to $25/day.
  • 8-14 days before an event: an AutoInterests store credit code will be issued for your registration fee, less a $75/day cancellation fee.  For Boosted & Fast Pass Membership holders, this fee is reduced to $50/day.
  • 7 days or less before an event, or are a no show at an event: all fees will be forfeited (no credits of any kind will be issued).

Any store credits issued are non-transferrable and may not be resold.  *All AutoInterests store credit codes will expire 24 months from date of original purchase, unless otherwise indicated.  No exceptions due to mechanical failure, please be sure your vehicle is adequately prepared!

Any store credits that originate from an order that becomes the subject of a "chargeback" or "dispute" through a credit card provider will be immediately and permanently subject to a dispute processing fee equal to the credit amount, reducing the credit amount to $0.  Any driver who initiates a "chargeback" or credit card "dispute" process in an attempt to circumvent the policies outlined on this page will be permanently banned from all AutoInterests program offerings.


Because we do feel bad when 'life happens' we have a "courtesy credit pool" of $500 for every event day.  Any driver who has an unexpected issue resulting in a loss of track time can receive up to a $100 credit from the pool once per event (not per day).  If the daily pool is exhausted, no further 'courtesy funds' are available.  Courtesy credits from the pool will continue to be issued on a discretionary basis and are not guaranteed.  These cannot be combined with HPDE Protection Plan coverage and are intended to be a basic benefit for those without HPDE Protection Plans.  The only guaranteed coverage is through HPDE Protection Plans.


Within 10 days of any particular event, if you wish to change the day that you are driving to a different adjacent day within the same event (at the same track) a $75 change fee applies ($45 for Boosted Members, WAIVED for Fast Pass Members). The ability to change your driving day(s) is subject to run group availability plus any additional surcharges that may apply for any particular date. 

Requests will NOT be accepted on less than 48 hours notice prior to an event and are subject to an approval. If you do not receive a response from us that your day change has been approved, do not change the day you show up to the track.

If WE Cancel an Event:

It is extremely rare that we ever cancel an event. If we decide to cancel an event prior to it occurring for reasons unrelated to circumstances beyond our control (defined below), all participants will be provided with an option to receive a full cash refund or store credit/transfer to a different event.  Events are NEVER canceled in advance due to weather.  Inclement weather does NOT provide for any kind of refund, store credit or transfer (except for coverage(s) provided through optional HPDE Protection Plans, if purchased).

Events that are canceled due to circumstances beyond our control will result in a store credit ONLY.  These include, but are not limited to:

  • Facility/venue issues or damage
  • Power outages
  • Acts of war
  • Terrorism
  • Civil unrest
  • Pandemics
  • Acts of God or natural disasters such as flooding, fire, earthquake or others
  • Unexpected hazardous conditions such as gas leaks, chemical leaks, train derailments, etc.
  • Government ordered evacuations or declarations of emergency that affect event location(s)

Store credits issued for the above reasons beyond our control will be at the sole discretion of AutoInterests and determined on a case-by-case basis.  

Hazardous Weather/Lightning Policy:

AutoInterests has adopted the industry-standard "5/20" policy regarding lightning. This requires that corner workers are brought in from their stations and participants are advised to seek shelter should a lighting strike occur within a 5 mile radius of the track venue. This is known as a "weather hold" which will remain in place until there are no strikes within a 5 mile radius for at least 20 minutes.  This is determined by a lightning tracking app with a geofence in place.  

Other significant adverse conditions may also trigger a weather hold in extreme circumstances as deemed necessary by the AutoInterests Safety Steward or other officials.  Lost track time at an event caused by a weather hold(s) does not provide for a refund, store credit or transfer and does not constitute a cancellation.  AutoInterests may attempt to make schedule adjustments such as moving the lunch break to work around adverse weather conditions and attempt to maximize available track time.  Due to the unpredictability of weather, these options may not be available or could be ineffective and are conducted on a "best effort" basis.